Top Renewable Energy Startups from IST

The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, announced the launch of “Startup India, Standup India” initiative on 15th August 2015. The Initiative aims at fostering entrepreneurship and promoting innovation by creating an ecosystem that is conducive to growth of Startups. Further to this, an Action Plan for Startup India Initiative was unveiled by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 16th January 2016. The initiative strives to provide a long-due impetus to the entrepreneurial setup in economic landscape of India.

Today, Entrepreneurship Development Program is one of the key elements for the promotion and start up of micro and small Industries/enterprises, contributing in Start-Up-India Mission. IST aim is to create employment for individual through entrepreneurship. Hence, entrepreneurship development has been one of the priorities in countries, the world over. The focus is on entrepreneurial development coupled with specific skills relating to PV solar sector, which enables the trainees to start their own ventures.
"IST Institute of Solar Technology® an ISO 9001:2008 certified academic and research-oriented & Entrepreneurship Development autonomous institution.

After Training IST Support for Alumni

  1. IST Entrepreneurship Support Unit
    Funds are required to start any business. In the solar business, your work credential is very important. If you can invest a bit, you can start installing solar power plants, you can earn less but there will be a lot to learn. Once you become a master in solar then you can invest money in the solar business. This can be a great opportunity to grow in the solar business. IST providing business support, project support for start-up Alumni. These days there is a huge demand for a solar installer. By becoming a service provider you earn according to your need. Get projects in your hands and see the benefits. If you are able to manage the work correctly you will be able to get good benefits. Create a good team and start this work with some required tools.
  2. Project Partner Support
    You will need credentials to enter the solar business. By working on behalf of IST Project Partner companies, you will be able to understand the business well and using their credentials will also help you deal with customers. This is not a bad option for starting a solar business these days.
  3. Project Consultancy Support Unit
    There are many people working in the market as a freelancer. As a freelancer, you do not have to invest money. Just stay in the market and get the potential leads and work as Project consultant with IST Project Consultancy Support Unit.
  4. Business Promotion Support
    Marketing and promotion is essential for your business's survival and growth. IST providing various platform to promote IST Entrepreneurs business to the target customer.
  5. Internship support
    Internships are a great way to apply the knowledge from the classroom to real-world experience. Learning is one thing, but taking those skills into the workforce and applying them is a great way to explore different career paths and specializations that suit individual interests.

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